Friday, 5 July 2013

Chapter 3



Susan sat up on her bed. She held on to her pillow. She watched her husband as his chest went up and went down, gently. He was breathing like a baby, she thought.

The words of Kenny started to roll back.


“If you are so worried, why not ask him yourself? Nothing breaks a relationship better than lack of communication. But, you have to be careful how you ask your question though. From what I know about men, thanks to my past relationships before I settled with the man I am married to right now, men are complex pieces of work. I tell you. The same guy can be loving and hugging you in a minute and in another minute, he is shouting down your face.” Kenny said looking at her friend intently.

“Its hard not to think like that you know. After all these years and no child, most men would normally start looking for options. More especially, when there is pressure from his family. Sometimes, I see that look in his eyes when we are with friends and they have their kids around. It’s so painful. God, I just want a baby.”

“Have you guys sought for medical help?”

“Girl, we have tried everything we can. I can teach you something you probably don’t know.”

"Oh really?"

"You would be amazed."

“That’s cool. I’m all ears.”

“For starters, I know that many people think that the way to get pregnant is to just have a lot of sex, and it shouldn’t take all that long. Especially for newly wedded couples. But the truth is, there are only a very limited number of days a month that a woman is fertile, and even under the best conditions, you only have about a 25% chance of actually getting pregnant each month…”

“I think most ladies know that already but go on”

 “Kenny, you will be surprised. Not most ladies ooo. I didn’t know this myself. Anyway, the most important thing when you want to get pregnant is timing. You know, there’s this myth that women ovulate on a day 14 of their cycle. It is not always true. The myth comes from the false assumption that women have a perfect 28 day cycle and ovulate right in the middle. The truth is, many women have cycles that are much shorter or longer than this, and they don’t necessarily ovulate at halfway point. Every woman should get to know her body and figure out what time of the month you are generally ovulating…”

"Hmmm" Kenny shifted in her seat. Her expression registered compassion for her friend. Kenny wanted to reach out and hold her friend but she thought maybe she should just let her finish.

Susan continued, “Here’s where it starts getting interesting; you have to determine approximately what time of each month that you ovulate. One of the best ways is to get a basal body thermometer and chart your temperature each morning upon waking, before doing anything else. If you do this for some time you will see that your temperature rise each month a few tenths of a degree and then stay up until your period comes. This shift in temperatures signifies that you have indeed ovulated. Once you have a good idea when this occurs month to month, you will have a better chance of predicting when you might be ovulating.” Susan tilted her head to the left with a smile crossing her lower lip.

“You know I am learning from all this information. You are a doctor in the making, my dear… One day, you will have to write a book on this.” Kenny said teasingly.

"My sister na wa. I have read materials like hundreds. Sometimes, I feel I'm meant attempt a medical school…"

“You know…” Kenny was biting on her fish fingers. She obviously relished it.

“I doubt if there's much about the female anatomy that I don’t know. Kenny, I have been reading a lot. It helps me. It kind of gives me hope… Ok, so back to where I stopped, using ovulation test kits will give you a helpful indicator of when ovulation is approaching. Usually the test will predict ovulation within about 36 hours, so once the test turns positive, it is important to have intercourse that day and for the next couple of days until your temperature shows that you have already ovulated. I also read that, the male sperm must be waiting before the egg is released. Sperms can live up to 5days inside a woman, but the egg only lives for about a day. So its best to time intercourse for several days leading up to ovulation and on days of ovulation too.”

“Sussy the brain. You could pass for a doctor you know?”

“I guess. Its just like they say, you are most concerned about where it hurts the most.”

“Yeah.” Kenny rubbed her friend on the shoulder, gently.

“That’s for normal women. Women without complications like mine.” Susan starts to sob. “God why won’t You give me a baby. Why…?”

Kenny reached over and held her friend. “Sussy darling. It’s going to get better. I believe God would do something somehow. I don’t know how but He will...”

“When Kenny? When would He do it? Is it when I am 80?” she sobbed again holding on to her friend. “I have seen countless doctors. I have done everything I can but.. Kenny, it hurts...” She struggled to hold back her tears.

“I don’t know when but I know He will. You are a Christian and I believe God will not let His children suffer unnecessarily. He has done it before. Yours is not any different. You just have to trust Him. It’s tough I know. I imagine myself in your shoes. It could be very overwhelming. But the best we can do is trust and have faith in God.”

“I guess.” Susan said wiping her face with the back of her hand. “You know many times I worry for my husband more than I worry for myself. I know how some of his friends and family members were against him marrying me and all. But he stood up for me. And God, he doesn’t deserve any of this.”

“He is a strong guy. If he has stood for you and by you all this time, you have to trust that he would continue to do the same. He really loves you.”

"Its only God that doesn't change. People change. Kenny, but for how long? How long will he be able to fight the temptation?”

“As long as it takes. Don't stop praying for him. I won't stop praying for you as well. You just continue to be a wonderful wife. Love and care for him. Be strong my dear.”

“I stay up at night many times worried if he is with another woman or if he is contemplating it. And its difficult to ask him because he has asked me if I trusted him many times and I told him I did but sometimes its difficult…”

“I get it darling.”

“Uche is still a man. Despite all, he is still a man. I won’t be surprised if he goes to see another woman. Lord, no.  It will kill me. I love Uche. I—I—I just want him to be happy.” She stammered her words as tears began to well up her eyes again.

“You guys are in this together. Don’t carry the burden all alone. I’m sure he loves you. There are not many men out there who would fight their family for their wives. There are very few men like that out there my dear. You know, the best way to deal with your worries is to share it with him, prayerfully.”

“How? I don't know how to go about it. I have made many attempts but I just couldn't come to talk about it”

“First babe, this is a situation that affects both of you. If you are carrying most of the weight, then you are not doing yourself any good. And I don’t think that’s been fair to you. Relationships work when both partners communicate. My opinion on relationships, right? The most important lubricant in any relationship is communication. When partners stop communicating, a lot of things start to fall apart. You must learn how to communicate to make any relationship work. How you communicate vary from person to person though. But there’s one way every woman can communicate to her man that cuts across all cultures, race and tribe and that is understanding. You need to understand your man to communicate with him. For example, get interested in what your man loves. He begins to have things you guys can share together. He begins to see you as his buddy. He comes home not just to a wife but also to a buddy and if you study men when they hang out, they are always excited. When you have developed that level of communication with him. The next thing is to learn to compliment him. Men like to hear you be the first person to tell them how good a husband they are. How lovely they look on their way to work. How great you make them feel being their wife etc. You have to keep complimenting him. Very soon, you would find which one works best on him. You will be surprised how much like us they are. Make it a habit to cheer him up. Sooner or later, you will become his confidant. When a man can share his mind with you, he would love to hear yours as well. These don’t necessarily apply to all men but you can be guaranteed it would work on most men.” Kenny sipped on her drink. She caught a smile on her friend’s face.

“What?” Kenny questioned.

“No. Nothing.” Susan replied.

“No. I caught you smiling.”

“I was just thinking how much you have learnt about men.”

“Well, like they say experience is the best teacher.”

“As long as the experience is someone else’s…” Susan corrected.

“Yeah. Fortunately in this case, I’m the ‘someone else’.”

“Right.” They both laughed.

“Anytime I want to discuss something with my husband, and I notice he is not up for it. I don’t push it. Lesson number 1; if he is not interested, don’t push it. I would then try on something I know he might be interested in. For example, I know my honey is interested in tuxedos. I went to read a couple materials on it. It was boring at first. Imaging having to read about men’s wardrobe and focusing on just one piece of clothing? But I realized that everytime I brought up the topic or say I said I saw this tuxedo in one magazine with this and that design, you almost see the glimmer in his eyes. I don’t know why. Sometimes I wonder, tuxedos? Thought guys were all about cars, gadgets, shoes, football and all that. But tuxedo? Well as it is, my man likes it so I like it too. That’s what relationship does to you. To make it work sometimes, you have to make compromises. As long as it doesn’t conflict with your faith and values, its all good.”

“Tuxedos? How interesting. Thinking about it, my husband is interested in a lot of things.”

“Then start with one and move to another. Continue until you hit the nail right. And you know what’s interesting, after a while, he starts to get interested in what you like as well. You would be surprised how my husband and I talk about Food recipe for hours. It surprises me when he says he read an article online about an Italian cuisine and he would love me to try it out. It’s interesting. Now there’s practically nothing we don’t talk about.”

“You guys just got married just over a year now. What’s happening to making the babies?”

Kenny titled her head a little to the right. Her hair fell across her face. She held a big smile on her face. Then she turned her face down towards her stomach.

Susan put her hands over her mouth, “You are kidding me!”

“Its two months now.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I didn’t want to upset you.”

“Awwww. Kenny I’m so happy for you. It’s so good to know. I'm really happy for you. But you guys took your time sha?”

“You know three days into our honey moon, my husband’s company won a contract they have been bidding for in Qatar since last year. And since he is one of the lead Engineers, he had to be on site like practically every month. So we didn’t have so much time together. He was out of the country most of the time and you know I did not know as much as I know now about timing your ovulation. So I guess it was just a random shot this time.”

“I’m so happy for you Kenny.”

“Thanks love. I would say the same for you very very soon.”

“Amen. I thought a lot of ladies knew this ovulation timing thingy?” Susan said miming what her friend had said earlier.

“Well, how many of us actually live by the knowledge of the things we know? Its often better said than done.”

“Yeah. God help us. I‘m  really happy for you Kenny.  Feel like its my baby.”

“Of course it is.”


“Hey honey-plum, what’s wrong?” Uche asked. He had woken up and was looking at his wife. A line of concern crossed his forehead.

Susan jolted out of her thought.

 “Oh, I could not sleep.”

“What have you been thinking about?” He reached out to her and held her kissing her on the forehead.


*   *   *

Jide Jaiyeola and his friend Morris Irekwenve were having a chat at the BloomLife Lounge. They sat at the last seat in the room. They had taken that spot so they could see everyone coming in and going out.

“No, my brother you don’t know women.” Jide said putting down his drink.

“So Mr. Know-women, tell me something I don’t know?”

“Listen carefully and learn. Every woman, irrespective of status, age or academic background, loves attention. You as a guy must know how to give it to them.”

“Who doesn’t know that? Common, even the WestLife teenagers can tell you that much.” Morris spoke with a smirk on his face.

“I have not finished. That’s the problem I have with you wanna-be players. You don’t want to learn and you assume a lot…”

“Nah bro. I ain’t a wanna-be. My game is tight.”



“An ace player knows that one of the things you learn to use is your time. You must learn to manage your time very effectively. For example, I know why I am here and I know when I’m going to leave…”

“Ok, I am the one lollygagging right? Common brov, if you’ve got something of substance to share, please let me know. All you have said is Player-Rule 101.”

“Ok cool. You sound like you’re really cool right?”

Morris picked up his drink and allowed himself to some of the liquor in the bottle. He said nothing.

“Seems we’ve got ourselves a super player here. So cool.”

Morris smiled. It disappeared almost immediately.

“Ok here’s one. I’ve got this girl on my radar. Very hot chic. She’s about my height. Slim. That number ‘8’ kind’a hotness. She’s been acting all hard-to-get. But I’m going to break her. That I guarantee you.”

“Sound like an interesting one. What’s her stat?”

“Puffy brakes player! I ain’t telling you nada. I guess I have spilled enough already.”

“Well, if you are an ace player, why don’t you step up to a challenge? You and I on that chic. See who’s cool with this game…” Morris took up his bottle again and let down his liquor. He was starring at Jide who stiffened.

“You want to challenge me on this girl for real?”

“Yeah for real. If you are that cool like you think and say you are, then I suppose this challenge would prove that.”

 Jide nodded his head. That was not what he was expecting but it seems to have triggered some sensation in his stomach. He could feel it stiffen.

“No problem. I’m up for the challenge. What are your rules?”

“You know, simple. Just give me her stats and we start up starting tonight. Do you have her number?”


“So stats bro. What I need is her name. Where she stays? Where she works? What she looks like? And don’t mess with my head. The real deal if you are really up for this?”

“Sure. Her name is Adora Daniels. I think she should be about 5 feet 7 or so. She stays at the Vine Estate. She works with Ocean Pulse Consulting in Victoria Island. She is slim. Fair. Smart. She’s …”

“Ok thank you bro. I think that’s a good start.”

“Let the best man win. Hahahaha.”

Jide did not like how this turned out but he wasn’t going to loose to Morris. Not now and not ever. Morris has always felt too good about himself and Jide hated his guts a lot.

*   *   *

The lounge was getting busy. People were coming in and going out in numbers. The weekend came with of all the buzz in its wake.

Family and friends were hanging out and having fun. The place was busy.


One person was not having so much fun.


George Juga looked at his wristwatch intently like it would come alive. He fumbled with his wristwatch as emotions and adrenaline were running somewhere in his lower belly. He had learnt never to act when he was angry. So he came to the lounge to let go off the steam.

The picture played back again. He could see the expression of surprise on her face. Tolani had been cheating on him. And he had no clue. He walked into the room and his shock rose from his toe till it hit him in the temple. The other guy was not a familiar face. He tried to trace if he had seen the face anywhere. But not a damn clue. How could he have been fooled for so long? How could a girl he had given up so much for end up cheating on him like that? He thought. Where did he go wrong?

He had decided to clean his ways. He stopped taking girls for granted. He stopped sleeping around. He found Christ. Then, he met Tolani. He was faithful to her. He was always caring. And she was a good Christian; at least until 3 hours ago. God, is this a punishment for my past ways? I thought You always forgave completely. I cleaned up my ways. I have been faithful to you. Why should I end up in this kind of mess? He thought.


“Hey Bro George.”

George rose up his head to see a member of his church. It was the Youth Fellowship President.

“Hey Mathew.”

“You look jaded. Can I sit?” Mattew asked.

“Yes, please do.”

“Is something wrong?”

“No. Nothing exactly. I just came here to take some time out.”

“Yeah, same here.” Mathew replied, “but its obvious from your face that something isn’t right?”

“Well, I’m just a little tired. I guess its just stress.”

“Bro George, if you don’t want to share it with me, that’s fine but the truth be told something is bothering you and I believe as your brother in Christ I should be able to assist in sharing the burden. Maybe I could help somehow.”

“Yeah bro George. But seriously I’m fine…”

“Ok, no problem. I guess I’d be leaving. I sited you from over there and I noticed the expression on your face. And I thought the least I could do is offer to help in anyway I can.”

“Sure. I appreciate that. But I’d be fine.”

Mathew rose from the seat. “It is well bro George. Whatever it is, it is well.”

“Sure it is. Thanks bro Mathew your concern is lifting.” George rose to shake hands with Mathew.


He watched Mathew walk past the door and he went back to his seat.

Lord it sure can’t be well. I gave up my past to move into a good future and my past is haunting me. Lord, if I deserve to be punished, then at least not this much.


“Hey guy what’s up?” A sultry voice of a lady called from behind. He turned to look straight into the face of his younger sister. Daniela. “I thought I’d meet you here.”

“Hey sis how are you doing? When did you get back from school?”

“About two hours ago. We finished our exams yesterday. How would you know when you don’t call? If I catch that Tolani girl… She stole my brother away from me.”

George smiled at his sister’s humor. She was the ever vibrant, and high-spirited.

“Congrats Danny. Hope you swept your exams clean?”

“Well, I don’t know about the sweeping part, but if what you meant was how the exam went, then I think I did my best.”

“Sure. I’m sure you did. So what’s next?”

“Well I came to my big brother to give me a splendid weekend… but wait a second? Where’s Tolani? I just noticed all of a sudden that my brother’s Mrs. isn’t here. This is like a never seen scene in a movie.” She teased him.

“As you can see for yourself, she’s not here and this is not a movie.” George replied trying to match her tone. 

“I never knew a moment like this would come; George without Tolani. That’s interesting. So what happened? She left you? You left her? Or you left each other?”

“Danny, you should catch your breath…”

“Bro, I have been in the jungle or is it desert of books. Now I have ears for all the juicy gossip in town.”

“I’m not the right candidate for that.”

“So what happened bro?” She ignored his last statement.

“I’m not in the mood for your so called juicy gossips okay? What would you like to have?”

“Now that’s a start.”

“A start of what?”

“From your tone I suspect something not so good happened?”

“You are the worst judge of mood and we both know that.”

“On the contrary George, I am an excellent judge of mood. Especially when the person in question is my own brother.”

“I know I have never won the battle of words with you. But its great to have you back.”

“So bro what happened now? Tell me.”

“You really want to know?”

“Yes I want to know.”

“She’s not here because she went shopping. We have fixed our engagement date.”

“Yeah right. It’s just as easy as that huh? You fixed your engagement and I don’t know about it. Secondly you fixed a date and the next thing is Tolani went shopping, yeah right.”

She gestured with her hands. Tapping her fingers as she did.

“George if there’s something I can figure out fast about you, it’s when you are angry. I can read through you just like mum does.”

“Danny, you are such a pain in the ass. Common, are you hungry?”

*   *   *

Kojo watched his wife as she helped herself into the car.

"I hope you are strong enough for this?" He asked rather quietly but sternly.

"Yes I suppose" Tadeke answered.

"You suppose? Honey, you only got out of the hospital three days ago"

"I know but I think I'd be ok." She said.

"Ok. I pray so oo"

Tadeke gave her husband a warm look. "I will be fine. I'm sure" She smiled reassuringly.

The gateman was pushing the gate open. The security sensors came up with a monotone. The gate was a security watch dog. Any slight movement on the gate, it will throw of the monotone. It is supposed to be security measure. Or at least they say.

Kojo's phone buzzed. He had a text message. He looked at his phone, it was from Jennifer. He looked over at his wife who was busy looking at her makeup mirror.

He contemplated whether to delete it or read it.

"Honey, what’s up?"

Kojo turned to see his wife looking at him. She was looking at him. She could read him.

"Its nothing serious my dear."

"Really? Looks like you are worried."

Kojo felt his stomach stiffen.

CHAPTER 4 Coming Soon
Please note that this material is covered by International Intellectual Property Law. No part of this material whether in part or as whole can be used, copied, redistributed, or sold without the express permission of the author. Any violation of any kind, would call for due prosecution


  1. Honestly am bored. Chapter one was fantastic and i was gingered to read two. Two was ok. But boring like a high school maths class. I still have not gotten the connection with the countless characters. Too many characters to note. I get it explains life but do guys have to be painted as jerks. ( I support that they are sha). Just that this one is wa.

  2. Quite honestly, I like your comment. I have taken note of the too many characters and will keep them at bay as much as possible. And guys are cool (I know some could be huh... of questionable motives and all). Chapter 4 would be more interesting. Just keep reading and keep commenting. Much appreciated.

  3. Will continue reading. Hopefully I will be able to recall who kojo is
